More about me...

My day pretty much consists of reading on my way to work, school, reading on my way home, home chores, and then reading before I go to sleep. Did you notice all the reading? Yeah I pretty much need a book-readers anonymous. I love reading to much to quit it though.

I am outwardly a pretty polite and reserved person. Until you get to know me-the real me not the pseudo me-then you learn different. Don't get me wrong I am still polite to a degree just a bit inappropriate at times. I like to write to vent on things that pop into my head. Some things are random-others not so much. Some things matter a lot to me others just brush the surface.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

The start of a rocky relationship

So on July 16, 2010 I took my ass to Barnes and Noble and picked myself up a Nook. I have been thinking about getting an eReader for a while but was so confused as to which one to get with my limited funds. I mean sure it would be great if I had an extra $400.00 just sitting around to spend on something that many would consider a luxury, but I don't.

I went it with my mom, sister, and nephew & spoke to a guy and I bought it. I picked up the Nook with Wi-Fi not the 3G. Like I stated earlier it was rough to collect enough money just to get this one. I was hella excited. When I got home I took it out and I took pics of it in the box. I read the guide, and the 8 page contract of lawyer speak. Plugged it in and then throughly passed the hell out.

Woke up this morning hella excited and I have internet at home but (to be completely honest I am not the most computer savvy person out there) I ended up having to walk on up to my local coffee bean to register the nook using the hotspot their. I was excited and wanted to blog how much I loved it, but my love affair quickly turned sour when....

I had a huge panic attack. I am an avid and self addicted reader. The thought of something happening and my losing my electronic books is a frightening thought. I am primarily a Border's fan but now I have a Barnes and Noble product that will use primarily B & N eBooks.

To be completely honest I will be contemplating returning the Nook and not getting a eReader period. I admit I have some commitment problems. If I can't physically hold the book I'm a little nervous. I was one breath relaying to my sister and cousin that the only things that I can think of happening to my physical books is - God/Universe/Powers that be forbid - a apartment fire, extreme flooding, or another avid reader thief who comes in to steal them.

Imagine spending a couple hundred on books and then all of a sudden that shit is just gone...just thinking about it makes my heart race and my eyes water.

Well for now I still own the nook and have approximately 12 days to return it to B & N. I will continue you to blog on my newest adventure in to the world of BOOKS or rather eBooks and the Nook.

All the best on all your real life adventures and most importantly the literary ones.


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