More about me...

My day pretty much consists of reading on my way to work, school, reading on my way home, home chores, and then reading before I go to sleep. Did you notice all the reading? Yeah I pretty much need a book-readers anonymous. I love reading to much to quit it though.

I am outwardly a pretty polite and reserved person. Until you get to know me-the real me not the pseudo me-then you learn different. Don't get me wrong I am still polite to a degree just a bit inappropriate at times. I like to write to vent on things that pop into my head. Some things are random-others not so much. Some things matter a lot to me others just brush the surface.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Adventures while Traveling 05

June 18, 2011

Filled with water fun and a squirrel?

Devin - Age 6

On this day we headed on over to what my sister called a splash park. In Honolulu, Hawaii they have a small version of this at Moanalua Terrace. This on was very large and reminded me of the kiddie area that most water parks have. The splash park is located on Fort Sill and you have to be military to enter the area.

Shots from Left to Right of Splash Park

It was hot as all get out and I have not seen so many flying bugs, i.e. wasps and yellow jackets. Scary for me cause I have not yet been stung by anything.

Ohhh...the weirdest thing that can image happened I am sitting there have normal conversation with my sister while Devin is playing and all of a sudden out of the trees comes a female deer just frolicking along the tree line across the street. I guess those DEER XING signs are legit. Sadly it was moving to fast for me to take a picture of especially because I wasn't expecting something like that. But I did get a pic of a squirrel which I have never seen one before. So here they are.

Squirrel...I think?

1 comment:

  1. Splash Park looks kinda neat. Is it free to go? With all the water...who's paying? LOL.

    Devin is cute and tall. Well, he looks tall in the photos. I've always imagine Devin to be younger. I didn't think he was 6yo. He is a big boy! He is not Mr. Dozie age, that's for sure.
